Just Play it

  • 10-20-24 The Great Call to the Work of the Lord -1 Cor. 15:5835:20
  • 10-13-24 The Last Invitation -Rev 22:13-2141:29
  • 10-6-24 Response to the Coming Glory -Rev 22:3-1247:18
  • 9-29-24 City of God -Rev 21:9-22:240:26
  • 9-22-24 New Heaven and Earth -Rev 21:1-832:06
  • 9-15-24 Great White Throne Judgment -Rev 20:11-1534:43
  • 9-8-2024 Last Rebellion of the Wicked -Rev 20:7-1044:07
  • 8-25-24 Preparing a World for the Kingdom -Rev 20:1-6 43:21
  • 8-18-24 Second Coming of Christ -Rev 19:11-2138:08
  • 8-11-24 Marriage of the Lamb -Rev 19:7-1146:11
  • 8-4-24 Five Hallelujahs of Heaven -Rev 19:1-637:05
  • 7-28-24 Come of Her My People -Rev 17-1840:55
  • 7-21-24 The Fareness of God's Justice -Revelation 1646:37
  • 7-07-24 Protection of God Rev 12:13 - 13:1046:48
  • 6-30-24 Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven -Matthew 13@10-33 37:07
  • 6-23-24 War in Heaven -Revelation 12:7-1242:15
  • 6-16-24 Only God is Good -Mark 10:17-2239:33
  • 6-9-24 Signs of the HIstory of Redemption -Rev 12:1-651:15
  • 6-2-24 The 7th Trumpet -Rev 11:15-1940:45
  • 5-26-24 Battle with the Anti-Christ -Rev 11:1-1448:44
  • 5-19-24 Trumpet Judgments of God -Rev 8:7-1347:18
  • 5-12-24 Silence in Heaven -Rev 8:1-638:01
  • 5-5-24 Celebrating in Heaven -Revelation 7:1-1747:08
  • 4-28-24 The End of Age -Rev 6:12-1738:18
  • 4-21-24 Death and the Martyrs -Revelation 6:7-1138:36
  • 4-14-24 Red and Black Horse Rev 6:3-6 42:46
  • 4-7-24 The White Horsmen - Revelation 6:1-243:16
  • 3-31-24 Lessons from the Resurrection 34:36
  • 2024 Lord's Supper Service32:10
  • 3-24-24 Palm Sunday -Last Chance44:13
  • 3-10-24 Lazarus and the Rich Man -Luke 16:19-3146:15
  • 2-25-2024 The Worth One -Revelation 542:22
  • 2-18-24 The Splendor of God -Revelation 4:3-1143:34
  • 2-11-2024 The Throne of God -Revelation 4@1-242:28
  • 2-4-24 Preparing for the End Tims44:37
  • 1-28-24 The Materialistic Church -Rev 3:14-2248:04
  • 1-21-23 Church of the Open Door -Rev 3:7-1346:38
  • 1-14-24 Wake up Sardis -Rev 3:1-652:17
  • 12-24-23 Second Coming of Christmas -Acts 1:9-1140:35
  • 12-17-23 Attitude of Christmas -Philippians 2@5-1136:49
  • 12-10-2023 The Joy of Anticipation -Luke 1@39-55 .mp340:27
  • 12-3-23 The Promised Hope -Isaiah 7:1438:24
  • 11-26-23 Compromise in Pergamum -Rev2:12-1841:53
  • 11-19-23 Power of a Thankful Faith - 2Chronicles 20 43:29
  • 11-12-23 The Suffering Church -Revelation 2@8-12 43:20
  • 11/05/23 First Love Lost -Revelation 2:1-741:06
  • 10-29-23 Awesome Appreance of Christ -Revelation 1@12-20 35:05
  • 10-22-23 Announcing the Appearance -Rev 1:7-944:19
  • 10/15/23 Grace and Peace Until He Comes -Rev 1:4-654:52
  • 10-8-23 Blessing of Divine Revelation -Rev 1:1-341:00
  • 9-24-23 The Macedonian Call -Acts 1642:16
  • 9-17-23 Taking Back What's HIs -John 1@1-12 41:37
  • 9-10-23 Powerful Christian Living P2 Corinthians 16@13 47:34
  • 9-3-23 Powerful Chrisitan Living -1Cor 16:13-1445:04
  • 8-27-23 Day of Resurrection -1Corinthians 15:50-5845:35
  • 8-20-23 Resurrection Me -1Corinthians 15:35-4943:06
  • 8-13-23 Resurrection Hope 1Corinthians 15:26-3442:53
  • 8-6-23 Implications of the Resurrection -1Corinthians 15:12-2951:05
  • 7-23-2023 Heart of the Gospe -1Corinthians 15:1-742:37
  • 07-16-2023 Christian Freedom -1 Corinthians 846:23
  • 7-9-2023 God is not a Genie -Genesis 12:1-352:11
  • 7-2-2023 Do not sue your brother - 1Corinthians 638:34
  • 06-25-23 Inclusion of Gentiles for Salvation -Acts 1040:45
  • 6-18-23 The Urgency of Restoration with God -John 21:3-1745:10
  • 6-11-23 Following through the Storm -Matthew 14:22-3338:48
  • 06-04-23 Deciding to Follwo Jesus -Luke 5:1-1141:47
  • 5-28-23 Dealing with Sexual Sin - 1Corinthians 5:1-1341:30
  • 05-21-2023 Matthew 18@1-10 Value of Children42:20
  • 5-14-23 Honor Father and Mother -Exodus 20:1244:18
  • 5-7-23 God's Compassion for Sinners -Jonah 440:55
  • 4-30-23 Repentance in Nineveh -Jonah 349:38
  • 4-23-23 Returning A Backslider -Jonah 240:50
  • 4-16-23 Jonah the Reluctant Prophet46:59
  • 4-9-23 Magdalene's Resurrection Lesson -John 20:1-1836:42
  • 4-2-23 Palm Waving for Jesus -John 12:12-1945:54
  • 03-26-23 Celebration Supper with Jesus -John 12:1-343:42
  • 03-19-23 Prayer that Glorifies God -Luke 11:1-440:41
  • 03-12-23 When God witholds His Blessings- Malachi 3:13-1847:16
  • 03-05-23 Intercessory Prayer-1Peter 2:950:15
  • 02-26-2023 Surrendered Prayer P246:27
  • 02-19-23 Transforming Prayer-P136:03
  • 02-12-23 Deepening Our Prayer Life46:16
  • 01-29-23 Curing Spiritual Immaturity 1Corinthians 3:1-449:32
  • 01-22-23 Power through Weakness -1Corinthians 2:1-942:01
  • 01-08-23 The Great Nobodies of God -1Corinthians 1:26-3140:37
  • 01-01-23 Only God's Wisdom -1Corinthians 1:18-2528:54
  • 12-18-22 Joseph' Dream Rescue -Matthew 1:18-2549:20
  • 12-11-22 Descent to the Manger -Philippians 2:5-839:09
  • 11-27-22 Unity Above Preference -1 Corinthians 1:10-1750:27
  • 11-20-22 Psalm 107 Oh Give Thanks42:15
  • 11-13-22 Grace that is in Christ 1Corinthians 1:4-941:17
  • 11-6-2022 Sainthood for the Saved -1Corinthians 1:1-347:16
  • 10-30-22 Battling Stress God's Way44:23
  • 10-23-22 Thirst for God -Psalm 63:1-548:21
  • 10-16-22 Appearance of the Lord -Luke 21:27-2851:03
  • 10-9-22 The Greater Terrors of Christ's Return -Luke 21:25-2640:58
  • 10-2-22 Trial and Persecution of Believers -Luke 21:12-2444:11
  • 9-28-22 Signs of His Coming -Luke 21:8-1144:27
  • 9-18-22 Ready in the Last Days -Luke 21:28-3847:49
  • 9-11-22 After Salvation48:17
  • 9-4-2022 Road to Salvation40:29
  • 8-28-22 Spotting Corrupt Religion -Luke 21:1-444:23
  • 8-21-22 More than a Man -Luke 20:41-4444:30
  • 8-14-22 Inevitable Resurrection -Luke 20:27-4034:38
  • 8-7-2022 Facing the Enemy with Wisdome -Luke 20:19-2642:04
  • 7-31-22 Parable of Vine Growers -Luke 20@09-1844:43
  • 7-24-22 Authority of Jesus -Luke 20:1-843:55
  • 7-17-22 The Coming Kingdom Pt 2 -Luke 17:30-3741:48
  • 7-10-22 Luke 16:1-9 Value of Eternal Friendships33:09
  • 7-3-2022 The Coming Kingdom of God -Luke 17:20-2947:45
  • 6-26-22 Ten Lepers -Luke 17:11-1939:30
  • 6-19-22 Service that Glorifies God -Luke17:5-1046:38
  • 6-12-22 Stumble Not Thy Brother -Luke 17:1-450:14
  • 6-5-22 Hell is the Path -Luke16:19-3144:58
  • 5-29-22 Parable of the Minas -Luke 19:11-2745:54
  • 5-22-22 Zaccheus -Luke 19:1-1045:45
  • 5-15-2022 The Seeing Heart -Luke 18:35-4346:32
  • 5-8-22 Rich Young Ruler Luke 18:18-3045:04
  • 5-1-2022 Child-Like Trust -Luke 18:15-1743:05
  • 4-24-2022 Pharisee & Tax Collector -Luke 18:9-14 44:37
  • Easter 2022 -Our Testing by Christ48:47
  • 4-10-2022 The King is Here -Luke 19:35-4343:00
  • 4-3-2022 God looks for the faith -Luke 18:1-842:23
  • 3-27-2022 The Faith -Luke18:1 (Part 1)27:34
  • 3-20-2022 Connecting People to Jesus -Acts 838:55
  • 3-6-22 We are Better Together -Acts 2 46:44
  • Baptism Journey35:29
  • 2-20-2022 Choose your Model of Giving49:59
  • 2-13-22 Choose Your Model of Stewardship43:39
  • 2-6-2022 Marriage Principle - 1Corinthians 742:40
  • 1-30-22 Purity unto Marriage -1Cor 7:1-949:35
  • 1-23 Tongues and Interpretation -1Cor. 12:10-1145:11
  • 1-16-22 Kinds of Gifts -1Cor 12:7-1135:31
  • 1-9-22 Gifts for the Church 1Corinthians 12:1-745:27
  • 1-2-2022 Love & Spiritual Gifts40:12
  • 12-26-21 Magi Journey of Faith51:14
  • 12-19-21 Born to Bring us Peace -Isaiah 9:644:41
  • 12-12-21 Born to be Our God -Isaiah 9:638:31
  • 12-5-2021 Born to be Our King -Isaiah 9:650:50
  • 11-28-2021 Seduction of Solomon -1Kings 11:1-1149:23
  • 11-21-21 Drawing Near to God50:45
  • 11-14-21 Love Endures -1Cor 13:738:26
  • 11-7-21 Defeat of Samson42:43
  • 10-31-21 Samson & the Lion45:05
  • 10-24-21 Jephthah the Overcomer -Judges 1152:42
  • 10-17-21 Mistakes of Gideon -Judges 853:01
  • 10-10-21 Confronting Cowardice34:02
  • 10-3-21 Taking Initiative in Faith36:20
  • 9-19-2021 Demolishing Idols -Judges 641:26
  • 9-12-2021 The Choosing of Gideon -Judges 631:46
  • 9-5-2021 Deborah and Barak -Judges 448:35
  • 8-29-21 Judges 3- God's Deliverance44:14
  • 8-15-2021 Pusuing the Victory -Judges 142:05
  • 8-1-21 Show Me the Kingdom -Luke 13:18-2141:41
  • 7-25-21 Can We Trust the Lord -Psalm 12148:51
  • 7-18-2021 Whom May Dwell in God's Tent -Psalm 1546:46
  • 7-11-21 When Righteouness Rules over the Wicked49:35
  • 7-4-21 Way of the Righteous -Psalm 146:02
  • 6-27-21 When to love our Neighbor -Luke 6:1-1139:13
  • 1-9-22 Gifts for the Church 1Corinthians 12:1-745:27
  • 6-20-2021 Where is God When we need Him39:13
  • 6-13-21 Foundation of Christ -Matt 7:24--2933:10
  • 6-6-21 Great Promis Keeper Matt 28:1-1041:03
  • 5-30-21 Matthew 9:9-13 Friend of Sinners43:18
  • 5/23/21 Rest for the Weary -Matt 11:25-3049:23
  • 5-16-2021 When We Say "Yes" to God -Luke 5:1-1142:50
  • Jesus at the Funeral -Luke 7:11-1612:25
  • 5-2-2021 Clothed with Christ -Gal 3:2737:10
  • 4-25-2021 Christ in You -Colossians 1:26-2750:14
  • 4-18-2021 New Creation in Christ46:05
  • 4-11-2021 IF GOD IS FOR US -Rom 8:31-3945:02
  • 4-4-2021 Easter Sermon- On that Morning46:13
  • 3-28-2021 Palm Sunday -Rejoicing 40:20
  • 3-21-21 Forgiven and Justified in Christ42:19
  • 3-14-21 Our identity in Christ50:04
  • 3-7-21 Why are you Waiting Pt345:09
  • 2-28-2021 Why are you Waiting (pt.2)40:36
  • 2-21-21 Why are you Waiting (pt1)? 43:42
  • 2-14-21 God's Call to Serve -Isaiah 6:8-1353:17
  • 2-7-21 Sanctifying the Willing -Isaiah 6:5-742:11
  • 1/31/21 Regaining Hope Isaiah 6:1-444:52
  • 1-24-21 Trust Test (Part3)40:51
  • 1-17-2021 Trust Test (Part2)34:27
  • 1-10-2021 Trust Test/ Prueba de Fe46:04
  • 1-3-2021 Success, Security, Peace -Psalm 12745:18
  • 12-27-2020 Right Place Right Time -Luke 2:21-3845:18
  • 12-20-2020 How to Miss the Savior of Christmas40:18
  • 12-13-2020 Responding to the Christmas Message44:07
  • 12-6-2020 Preparing People for Christmas44:23
  • 11-29-2020 Who is Jesus/Quien es Jesus 46:00
  • 11-22-2020 Reason to Give Thanks43:51
  • 11-15-2020 Better Together -Acts 243:34
  • 11-8-2020 Soul Thirst -Ps 42:1-340:54
  • How to fill God's House -Lk 14:16 (11/1/2020)49:06
  • Help for the Suffering Soul -Luke 4:38-4149:26
  • Evangelizing within47:53
  • Sustaining Prayer- James 5:13-1551:03
  • Do not Swear/ No Jureis37:00
  • Living like Jesus will Judge -James 5:9-1149:14
  • Strength from His Coming -James 5:7-847:08
  • The Sin of Hoarding Riches -James 5:1-637:50
  • Los Pecados de los Ricos -Santiago 5:1-637:03
  • Living Like God Exists -James 2:13-1729:51
  • Vivir como si Dios existe -Santiago 4:13-1733:56
  • Discurso de los Humildes33:36
  • Speech of the Humble -James 4:11-1232:03
  • The Human Response to Forgiveness -James 4:6-1040:43
  • Las Respuesta Humana -Santiago 4:6-1038:30
  • Be Ye Separate - James 4:1-541:03
  • Separaos del Mundo - Santiago 4:1-536:01
  • James 3:13-18 Wise and Understanding37:28
  • Santiago 3:13-18 Sabio y Entendido40:58
  • Controling the Tongue -James 3:1-1228:55
  • Controlando la Lengua -Santiago 3:1-1231:11
  • Santiago 2:8-17 Peligro de Fe Muerta37:22
  • James 2:8-17 Dead Faith Danger40:12
  • Honor the Poor -James 2:1-7 (English)35:31
  • Honra el Pobre -Santiago 2:1-733:42
  • Hacerdor de la Palabra - Santiago 1:22-2729:53
  • Doer of the Word - James 1:22-2728:23
  • Primicias para Dios32:36
  • First Fruits to God35:29
  • Traitor Within -James 1:13-1731:42
  • Traidor Interno -Santiago 1:13-1736:37
  • Blessing of the Overcomer-James 1@1235:46
  • Recompensa de los Aprobados37:15
  • Coming Trials 5-31-2020.mp338:09
  • Pruebas Venideras 5-31-2020.mp337:47
  • God's Time-Tool42:47
  • Herramienta del Tiempo de Dios36:13
  • Transmitable Glory35:10
  • Gloria Transmitible de Dios33:39
  • Regathering the Church -English29:20
  • Reunion de la Iglesia30:16
  • Dios nunca biene tarde33:44
  • God is never late32:05
  • Amor Fuerte46:44
  • Strong Love for Difficult Times50:40
  • Things that cannot be taken away41:40
  • Cosas que no se pueden perder37:56
  • April 12 - Resurrection Joy31:03
  • April 12 -Gozo del la Resurreccion37:26
  • Palm Sunday Message 202029:46
  • Domingo de Palmas 202042:28
  • Psalm 91 Protection of the Godly47:53
  • Engl Sermon -God's First Responders35:51
  • Sermon -Angeles Que Rescatan39:09